by Play Global!,
Spring baseball season is just around the corner! Here’s what Play Global will be doing this spring:
In Ukraine:
Play Global will run a camp for teenagers from across Ukraine in April. They will learn new baseball skills while working together and competing in a series of games. A team from Belarus will also participate, with invitations pending to players from Moldova and other surrounding countries. This will be the 4th year Play Global has been involved with the tournament and concurrent coach education.
In Israel:
Boys and girls who participate in the weekly Baseball Le’Kulam (Baseball for All) program will meet in Tel Aviv for a day-long baseball clinic March 28th. Baseball Le’Kulam brings Arab Israeli and Jewish Israeli kids together through baseball. This program takes place at sites in the north and south of Israel. This event allows the two groups to meet, have fun and improve their skills. Thanks to the Israel Association of Baseball for leading this event!