On Monday the Confederation of European Baseball (CEB) also announced the groups for the 2011 European Championship Seniors Qualifiers. Five tournaments will be played from July 25th to 30th in Antwerp (BEL), Zagreb (CRO), Barcelona (ESP), Tel Aviv (ISR) and Krymsk (RUS). The winners will qualify for the 2012 European Championship in the Netherlands.
Antwerp, Belgium
1 Poland POL
2 Latvia LAT
3 Austria AUT
4 Slovakia SVK
5 Belgium BEL
Zagreb, Croatia
1 Romania ROM
2 Bulgaria BUL
3 Serbia SER
4 Croatia CRO
5 Slovenia SLO
Barcelona, Spain
1 Spain ESP
2 Finland FIN
3 Ireland IRL
4 Switzerland SUI
5 Hungary HUN
Tel Aviv, Israel
1 Lithuania LTU
2 Israel ISR
3 Georgia GEO
4 Great Britain GBR
Krymsk, Russia
1 Belarus BLR
2 Russia RUS
3 Ukraine UKR
4 Moldova MLD