The B-Pool European Championship in Trnava, Slovakia started on Tuesday with four games. In Group A Switzerland prevailed 16-9 over Finland. The Swiss led 15-0 after four innings, but Finland avoided the mercy-rule ending with nine combined runs in the fifth and sixth. Ukraine beat Poland 11-1 in seven innings.
Lithuania broke a 6-6 tie with two runs in the eighth of an 8-6 win over Romania in Group B. Host Slovakia also had a successful start with a 10-1 victory over Belarus. Jakob Izold pitched eight strong innings for the win.
The winner of the B-Pool European Championship in Trnava faces the winner of the B-Pool European Championship in Blagoevgrad in a playoff series at the end of the month, looking to qualify for the European Championship in September. A complete schedule and live play by play are available at